In Memorium and Prayers..

Dedicated to the memory of the Witches of Cape May their friends and all others who have crossed into Summer...

Robert E. Sprague Jr.


Michael Roman


Shawn Poirier

Witch King of Salem



Donnie Ekstrom


gonna miss ya bud

Victor Anderson

Poet, Priest and Elder


In Memory of those murdered September 11, 2001

In Loving Memory

Mark John Bitting Jr.

February 22, 2001-April 13, 2001


In Loving Memory

Michael W. Wilke


love ya always

bye, bye, bye



Rev. Sarah LaFleur Addams (Judi Lang)


Spiritual Advisor to Covenant of Rhiannon;

Former Student of Grace Kemelek



Donald Joseph Cunliffe



Grace La Fleur Kemelek



Former Hps

Covenant of Rhiannon Community


for Sheelagh

From Raindancer


for Sybil Leek

From DarkQueen


To our "Grandmother"

Sybil Leek


to one of the beloved dead...

Gwydion Pendderwen



If you'd like to have a cyber candle lit for wnyone, please email us!